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Measurement of magnetic properties apparatus


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Measurement of magnetic properties apparatus mainly used for: iron magnetic materials (components) magnetic field strength of the state of instructions

Main Features

  1. Channel: 4 Road;
  2. scanning speed: 0.6m / s
  3. range :0-20Gs-200Gs; (0.5Gs)
  4. show: 101/75 lines, density 13/CM, regulation rate: 20%,
  5. Communication: RS232/USB
  6. graphics LCD screen
  7. structural characteristics of (slightly)


脉冲涡流阵列成像 脉冲涡流探伤仪 金属裂纹识别检测仪 应力集中检测仪
磁记忆检测仪 手持式 NDT检测仪 应力集中磁检测仪
金属磁记忆检测仪 磁记忆检测
应力应变检测仪 应力应变检测系统 电磁涡流 金属应力集中磁检测仪

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Copyright: Xi'anzhishenggao Company(2006),ICP